Asset Class: Pacific Developed Markets Equities


Pacific Developed Markets Equities refers to a specific type of investment focused on the equity markets of developed countries in the Asia-Pacific region, such as Japan, Australia, and Singapore. This asset class typically includes a diverse range of companies across various industries and sectors within these markets. Investors may consider adding Pacific Developed Markets Equities to their portfolio for potential diversification and exposure to the growth potential of these economies. However, it is important to carefully consider the risks and potential returns associated with investing in this asset class before making any investment decisions.

Asset Allocation

Asset ClassSymbolWeight %
Pacific Developed Markets EquitiesVPL100.0

Total Return by Period

No Taxes, No Rebalancing., Last Update: Mar 11, 2025
1 Day1 Week28 Days90 Days1 Year3 Years5 Years10 Years

Total Return Over Time

No Taxes, No Rebalancing.
