Portfolio Crunch

Lazy Portfolio: David Swensen Unconventional Success


David Swensen's Unconventional Success is an investment strategy that focuses on constructing a diversified portfolio with a long-term approach. It emphasizes the importance of low-cost index funds and a well-balanced asset allocation, including exposure to domestic and international equities, fixed income, and real assets. The goal of this approach is to achieve strong, consistent returns while minimizing risk and avoiding high fees. This strategy is based on Swensen's experience managing Yale University's endowment fund, which has outperformed many traditional investment approaches.

Asset Allocation

Asset ClassSymbolWeight %
US Total Mkt EquitiesVTI30.0
US Real Estate EquitiesVNQ20.0
Developed Markets Ex-US EquitiesVEA15.0
Emerging Mkts EquitiesEEM5.0
Intermediate-Term US TreasuriesIEF15.0

Performance: Overall % Return

Rebalance Yearly.
